A foundation is critical to a building or home’s integrity. Having a damaged foundation signals an impending collapse which will eventually happen if there’s an earthquake to disrupt the ground. If you have your home’s foundation inspected once every 3 to 5 years, then you’ll save yourself thousands of dollars in the long haul. Also, having your home’s foundation repaired and re-leveled prior to putting the entire property on sale will increase your home’s value significantly.
A professional home inspector works by assessing properties before potential purchases. The professional also provides routine inspections to make sure that there’s no damage to the Mobile concrete as it’s among the most critical components of a home. Since not all of us can afford the services of a professional home inspector, we will give you some tips and a checklist on how you can do your own home foundation inspection.
Home Foundation Inspection Checklist
Check for any plumbing damage – Excess moisture will damage your home’s foundation so check for any plumbing damage.
Assess the foundation’s condition – Has your foundation’s look changed drastically? Can you see cracks or discoloration? If you do, then you definitely have to call a professional to do a more thorough inspection.
Cracked walls and floors – Keep a keen eye out for cracks on your walls and floors as they are visual cues indicating the shifting of a concrete Mobile.
Roof leaks – If you constantly have roof leaks, have your roofing repaired and inspected as there might be excessive amounts of moisture that are trapped or released into your structure.
Bugs and musty smell in the basement – Notice if there’s a musty smell in your basement. Check for the presence of bugs as well as they are indicators of foundation damage and the presence of moisture.
Tip: Look out for missing elements such as missing posts and piers as they can weaken your foundation’s structural integrity.
If you answer yes to any of the questions we will list below, then you have to seek the help of a foundation inspector as soon as possible.
– Is the area surrounding your property rocky?
– Does your property sit near or on a fault line?
– Is your property sitting on a slope?
– Is your house sitting near a river?
Doing your own foundation inspection will help you save money but if you see signs of damage, hiring a specialist is important as the professional will assess the risk factors involving your home. If your home’s foundation requires repairs, don’t think twice about seeking the help of foundation repair service provider as they can ensure the safety of your entire household. The good news is that a foundation repair service may last a lifetime, which means that you will only have to deal with this expense once.
If you want to make sure that your foundation repair Mobile AL is kept dry, install and clean water spouts and gutters. Also, make sure your sprinklers are not spouting water against your home.