When furniture and interior designer Nichole Loiacono was working on a customer’s new dining area, she chose to save some money and avoid purchasing something brand-new. After perusing online, Loiacono was inspired by photos of a fluffy white pendant with an unbelievable texture. She chose to take a peek at it and post the progress on her website, Parlour Home.
Nichole Loiacono Layout
It’s difficult to deny the jaw-dropping effect this necklace has. (Plus, how adorable is this dining room?) At first glance, the gigantic fixture almost looks like its been coated with gentle peony or rose petals. However, you’ll never guess what it is made of…
Nichole Loiacono Layout
Coffee filters! That is correct, Loiacono purchased a huge pile of coffee filters, and with her hot glue gun, she crumpled up them and placed them very tightly with all the paper lantern. As she moved along, she understood that it was about how crumpled the pieces were, and much more about how close she placed them together on the lantern.
Nichole Loiacono Layout
These standard paper lanterns can be found at many home products stores — from Cost Plus World Market to Pier 1. Any size can be purchased, based on the sort of effect you are trying for. Loiacono purchased an additional 38″ diameter paper lantern, which took over 1200 coffee filters to pay completely. The lantern was approximately $30 along with the coffee filters $10, setting the entire cost just a bit over $40.
Nichole Loiacono Layout
Loiacono simply hung up the decorative piece on a turquoise ribbon above the table. The item definitely makes a statement, however the neutral color and subtle materials stop it from overpowering the space. Taking it down and occasionally giving it a quick once-over using a handheld vacuum ought to keep it from getting dingy and dusty.
Even if you don’t drink coffee frequently, coffee filters have become a priceless craft instrument. We’ve seen them used in everything to wall murals at stores.
Do you have some unusual applications for coffee filters? Or some other common household products? We wish to hear about it! Please share your photo in the Comments section below.
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